Friday, July 4, 2014

15 Calorie Flavored Iced Coffee (with Milksplash)

I can't say that I'm a huge coffee addict, but I do enjoy the occasional cup o' joe. However, I have no interest in paying big bucks for a coffee beverage that is just overflowing with calories. If I have a coffee, it's usually one I made myself.

This has fast become my favorite iced coffee. And, it's quick and easy! So on the days when I am rushing to get to work early in the morning, I can still have my coffee.

I found these cute little guys at Walmart. And since I'm a sucker for cute packaging (and anything banana...) I just had to get them. They also had a strawberry flavor, but I did not buy that one. According to the website there is also an orange creamsicle flavor, but I suppose my Walmart did not have that one in stock.

I don't drink a lot of milk by itself. I usually add it to smoothies or eat it with cereal, so I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with these when I bought them... I just knew I wanted them (we have an impulse buyer right here). I decided to try them in my coffee... and I found a winner!

Basically I just put everything into my magic bullet and blend it up. I'm a cheater so I use instant coffee so I don't have to bother with cooling my coffee down... I just stick a spoonful right into the blender with the water. But if you make your coffee with a coffeemaker... you go right ahead.

  • 1 cup coffee (chilled)
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • truvia or other calorie-free sweetener (optional)
  • Milksplash flavor of your choice
  • ice
blend them all together (or stir...) and you got yourself a nice iced coffee! Of course you can use other types of milk or sweeteners, it just won't be the same calorie content.

Personally I like to add 2 squirts of Jammin' Banana and 1 squirt of Cocoa Loco to my coffee, but it's fun mix it up and try different combinations!